【合格体験記】UC Berkley - Business - Shu Shimizu - DVC
今回はUC Berkley(世界ランキング8位)にBusiness専攻(Haas Business School)で合格した先輩にインタビューしました!この先輩はUCLAにも合格されているので、UCLA志望の方も必見です!UCのBusinessメジャーは看板学部であり、合格率は
- UC Berkley(5%)
- UCLA(10%)


名前:Shu Shimizu
出身カレッジ :Diablo Valley College
専攻:Business Administration (MinorでEducationを考え中)
座右の銘(任意):人生に”tipping point” はない。
- UC Berkeley, Business Haas School (合格)
- UCLA, Business Economics (合格)
- UC Irvine, Business Economics (合格)
- UC Santa Barbara, Economics (合格)
- University of Hawaii, Manoa Buisiness Administration (合格)
進学先:UC Berkeley Business Haas School
入学学期:August 2023 (Fall 2023)
卒業学期:May 2025 (Fall 2025)
(左から、科目, 授業番号, 内容, 単位, 成績)
Fall 2021
BUS | 240 | Business Statistics | 3.0 | A |
ECON | 220 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3.0 | A |
ECON | 221 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3.0 | A |
ENGL | 122 | First-Year College Composition and Reading | 3.0 | A |
Spring 2022
BUS | 109 | Introduction to Business | 3.0 | A |
BUSAC | 186 | Financial Accounting | 4.0 | A |
ENGL | 123 | Critical Thinking: Composition and Literature | 3.0 | A |
KNACT | 110A | Beginning Hatha Yoga | 0.5 | A |
KNCMB | 114 | Jujitsu | 0.5 | A |
MATH | 191 | Pre-Calculus | 5.0 | A |
Summer 2022
ARTHS | 193 | History of Asian Art | 3.0 | A |
MATH | 192 | Analytic Geometry and Calculus I | 5.0 | A |
MUSIC | 119 | The History and Culture of Hip Hop Music | 3.0 | A |
Fall 2022 (出願)
BUSAC | 187 | Managerial Accounting | 4.0 | A |
MATH | 193 | Analytic Geometry and Calculus II | 5.0 | A |
PSYCH | 101 | Introduction to Psychology | 3.0 | A |
Spring 2023
ANTHR | 115 | Primate Evolution and Adaptation | 3.0 | A |
ASTRO | 130 | Astronomy Laboratory | 1.0 | B |
ASTRO | 110 | The Visible Universe | 3.0 | A |
DANCE | 170A | Hip-Hop and Urban Funk Dance I | 1.0 | A |
KNACT | 160A | Beginning Badminton | 1.0 | A |
PHILO | 120 | Introduction to Philosophy | 3.0 | A |
POLSC | 120 | Introduction to Politics | 3.0 | A |
- 数学系は苦手だったため、出る範囲の問題全てを1周やって、過去問を3周くらいしてました。
- EnglishはひたすらにOffice Hourに通い内容を固め、English Tutorに通い詰めて英語をナチュラルにしてもらっていました。
- BusinessやEcon、その他IGETCなどの暗記系は前日にdocumentにまとめて夜から朝にかけてひたすら覚えてました(ノート2周〜3周くらい)。
- SNSマーケティングインターン、Salesインターン、幼稚園インターン
- Japanese Student Association VP of Media & President
- HBSA Business Competition 2022 上位3組
UC BerkeleyのHaasにいる先輩から教えてもらいました。
- 大学生向けSkill Share Communityの運営/ Migratory Birds (高校生に留学について教えるプロジェクト)
高校の時の友達/ NICの時の友達と共同で立ち上げたプロジェクトです。


Please describe how you have prepared for your intended major, including your readiness to succeed in your upper-division courses once you enroll at the university.
I have the ambition to stop Japan’s stagnant economy for my children's generation because I have seen many people suffering from low salaries. I realized that an unchanging education system could not nurture talented entrepreneurs, and this has made my country's economy stagnant. I want to become such a business leader and contribute to the Japanese economy by nurturing business-people with diverse skills.
I majored in business at college to study business management in Bay Area, where many talented entrepreneurs live. I learned about the management structures of running a business, and based on this, my friends and I planned a project: "A Skill-Sharing Community for College Students Using Facebook." We gathered Japanese college students and conducted online classes. All participants gave us positive feedback. However, I could not manage the project with only knowledge from class, and I struggled with management issues such as sharing our vision and task management. Eventually, we retired from the project. I was so frustrated and felt that I needed to cultivate management skills from more practical experiences.
I believe the core of management is sharing vision and responsibility for the task. To learn more about management, I became the president of the Japanese Association Club and constantly reminded the members that the club's vision is the core of every activity in the club. I also asked each vice president to write schedules for making a sense of responsibility. By supporting the events planned in their schedules, we succeeded in building a shared understanding of the vision and a solid sense of responsibility. Consequently, we held six events with up to 60 attendees during the semester. However, while planning these events with others, I thought that I still needed to have more management experience in various cases compared to them.
In the future, I want to recover the Japanese economy to what it once was by becoming an entrepreneur with solid management skills and nurturing the next innovative entrepreneurs from Japan. To achieve this goal, I still need to deepen my management skills by studying more deeply about entrepreneurship through upper-division classes at UC.
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Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time.
I strongly desire to be a leader who listens to my teammates and learns from them. I discovered this because I met a leader who did not follow this value. My teacher cruelly ignored me in middle school because I was disobedient. Thus, I want to become my ideal leader who does not make my teammates feel neglected and build a productive team.
A few years later, I became the president of Japanese Association Club at my college. I tried to listen to my teammates to be an ideal leader. I spoke with each member to understand their concerns and gave advice to them. One day, one of the club officers expressed his concern to me, and we discussed it. I believed that his concern was addressed.
However, I later heard from another officer that the officer I spoke with still complained about the same problem behind my back after our discussion. I felt betrayed and tried to get him to leave the club, but executive members criticized it. I thought I did not learn from the officer. I got scared that I was unconsciously behaving like my middle school teacher and making my teammate feel like I used to be. I requested a vice president to ask that officer what he really thought. The officer said my intimidation as the president made him afraid of telling the truth. I realized that as a leader, it’s important to create a safe space where teammates can comfortably speak up.
To create such an environment and learn from them, I worked with the vice president to hold a "Feedback meeting" monthly. In this event, we tried to give both negative and positive feedback to each club’s officer, and this made them say their opinion more easily than before. Also, I learned from them that I still lacked to ask them for advice.
An ideal leader for me is an individual who listens to and learns from teammates. To acquire an open mindset and be able to help my teammates share their thought, I want to deepen my understanding of leadership at UC.
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What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time?
My greatest talent is creating and optimizing breakthrough marketing strategies by questioning existing strategies. I believe this talent is necessary to create new business models that are more helpful for people. I developed this talent into a business skill while doing an internship in social media marketing at Tripia, a Japanese startup company. Tripia operates a platform that matches participants with research projects posted by companies. My mission was to increase the web platform's subscribers from 50 to 1000 in 3 months.
At first, I followed the basic Social Media Marketing approach, in which people analyze influencers' accounts and imitate their actions, but this was a detour. I could not gain any subscribers in a week. I thought it was not enough to follow the basic idea.
Questioning this approach led directly to results. I analyzed influencers' accounts and found that the approach was not suited for this short-term project. I re-examined the results and thought of a breakthrough hypothesis: "I could gain better results in the short term if I could collaborate with influencers in the same industry because they already have my audience." Thus, I contacted these influencers and successfully made over 50 influencers promote the website. As a result, I could get 1000 subscribers to our website.
To develop this method, I participated in a case competition. The competition's theme was improving Cisco's YouTube channel. In my team, I analyzed general strategies for YouTube and the channel's current situation. I realized that we needed to change the video content, such as the discussion videos of famous entrepreneurs. We presented based on this idea and got second place out of 10 teams. The method of questioning the status-quo enabled me to devise unique ideas. On the other hand, the first-place team's idea is as unique as mine but more realistic in the funding aspect. I did not consider enough the difficulty of implementing my ideas.
I believe that my talent is unique, but this is not a mature skill in the business field. I want to continue refining the feasibility of my idea through case studies at UC.
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What have you done to make your school or your community a better place?
I want to help Japanese students who lack self-confidence due to the Japanese value of comparing oneself to others excessively by telling my experience of studying abroad. In high school, teachers graded me by comparing me with my classmates, and I lost self-confidence. Studying abroad in the U.S. was what reverted this. When I started college, I felt embarrassed about my English speaking skills, but my American friends did not laugh at my pronunciation and provided support. I thought that true confidence does not come from comparing oneself with others but from embracing oneself. I thought struggling Japanese students would get this true confidence by studying abroad. Thus, by giving a presentation to them about studying abroad and encouraging them to do it, I want them to know true confidence.
My Japanese college friends and I organized a project to let Japanese students know about studying abroad. We gave a presentation in front of 100 students. I wanted to explain the true confidence I learned in my college, but most students did not know about studying abroad at all. Thus, I just explained the system of other countries’ colleges, and I could not communicate my message to them. It was frustrating to me, and I found that to deliver my message to struggling students like I used to, I needed to divide our tasks, informing studying abroad and telling our story.
For the second presentation, we divided our roles like that. In cooperation with a Japanese study abroad agency, we gave an online presentation to 50 Japanese high school students who lacked motivation by telling our experiences. Later, 30 of the students said they wanted to experience true confidence and decided to study abroad. I was happy that I succeeded in helping them know it. However, through this experience, I realized that I could not influence all the students with my explanation skill.
I want to save more struggling students in Japan from the value of comparing themselves with others through my presentation. To achieve this, I want to deepen my ability to explain and pitch through business pitch contests.
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